Browsing Posts published in April, 2011

Once upon a time there were four friends – two TextBoxes and two ComboBoxes. They all lived happily on a WPF Window bound together in blissful MVVM harmony. The TextBoxes were bound to the ViewModel’s TextBoxText property and the ComboBoxes to the ComboBoxSelectedItem property. <Window x:Class="MvvmComboBox.MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:mvvm="clr-namespace:MvvmComboBox" Title="MVVM ComboBox" Width="300" Height="150"> <Window.Resources> <mvvm:MainWindowViewModel […]

System.Type and XML are the nuts and gum of the development world. You can stuff a System.Type into an XML file, but it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Sometimes you don’t have much choice. For example: Custom configuration sections in App.config/Web.config Handlers and modules in Web.config ProxyFactoryFactory, 2nd-level cache provider, database dialect, and […]

[Originally published on Telerik blog here. Republished with permission.] As developers, we like to believe that only raw data matters. And what is more raw than the written word? Does this mean that email is a more efficient communication mechanism than in-person meetings? Email contains just the raw words of our intent, right? The receiver […]