Recently I was doing a simple kata – the Roman Numeral kata – to practice my Ruby and RSpec skills. (The Roman Numeral kata is to build an algorithm test-first that converts a number into its Roman numeral equivalent. For example, 1 to i, 7 to vii, 10 to x, etc. The problem is intended to be simple so that you can focus on the process.) I had the following RSpec code:

require 'roman_numeral'

describe RomanNumeral do
  # specify is just an alias for it. specify reads better in this case
  specify '1 should be i' do
    numeral =
    numeral.to_s.should == 'i'

I go through the Red/Green/Refactor cycle and get this first spec working. (I won’t show the production code as it’s not that interesting.) I move onto the second spec.

require 'roman_numeral'

describe RomanNumeral do
  specify '1 should be i' do
    numeral =
    numeral.to_s.should == 'i'

  specify '2 should be ii' do
    numeral =
    numeral.to_s.should == 'ii'

Red/Green/Refactor and all is good. But I’m seeing some repetition in my specs and it’s only going to get worse. The specs are almost identical except for the data. So I start hunting through the RSpec docs for something akin to NUnit’s [TestCase] or xUnit’s [Theory]. I find nothing. Maybe, like MSpec, RSpec wasn’t designed to do this sort of data-driven testing.

Undaunted I turn to Google and stumble upon this StackOverflow question asking exactly the same question that I had. Matt Di Pasquale, the OP (original poster), found his own answer and that answer was fascinating! No, RSpec doesn’t have a syntax for test cases because it doesn’t need one. Use the Ruby, Luke!

require 'roman_numeral'

describe RomanNumeral do
  cases = {
    1 => 'i',
    2 => 'ii'

  cases.each do |k, v|
    specify "#{k} should print as #{v}" do
      numeral =
      numeral.to_s.should == v

For those not as well-versed in Ruby, “cases” is simply a variable that contains a hash. I then iterate over the key/value pairs and define my specifications. It’s that simple. I didn’t need any special attributes or framework support from RSpec. I didn’t need to learn the inner workings of RSpec to write my own custom extension or attributes. I simply wrote some Ruby code. Let that sink in for a second. I simply wrote some Ruby code.

Now think about that a bit more. I’m writing regular Ruby code to implement the notion of test cases. Rather than defining test cases, I could have used very similar code to define a benchmark that verifies an algorithm scales linearly with number of input elements. Or I could have fuzz tested an external API for my application. The possibilities are only limited by my imagination and don’t require me to gain an ever deeper understanding of my testing/specing framework to implement.

For someone who cut his teeth on C, C++, and C# (with some JavaScript thrown in for good measure) and is used to learning (or building) frameworks to solve problems, the notion that you can just write plain old code to solve these types of meta problems is eye-opening. It is one of those ah-ha moments that matures you as a developer. Not every problem needs a framework to solve it. Sometimes it just requires a little code.