Browsing Posts in Agile

Here are the code samples from some recent presentations… Alberta Architect Forum 2007 – Creating Flexible Software Austin .NET User Group – The NHibernate Mafia and the Persistent Ignorant Domain Model Edmonton Code Camp 2007 – Building Applications Using ALT.NET Thanks to everyone for attending the sessions, asking questions, and providing feedback.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions regarding VstsUnit for ReSharper 3.0. I’ve got good news and bad news. First the bad news… I’ve been working on it off and on, though it’s offering some significant challenges. The object model is completely different and tests are executed in a dedicated test runner that ReSharper spins […]

The ALT.NET Open Space Conference in Austin has come to a close. It was a fantastic experience. I had an opportunity to connect with many people whose books I have read and tools I use. Thanks to everyone who came for sharing their time and knowledge. Given that I’m used to wearing the presenter hat, […]

Since I’ll be in Austin for the ALT.NET Open Space Conference early next month, my friend, Jeffrey Palermo, asked me to give a talk at the Austin .NET User Group while I was in town. So without further ado… How does NHibernate enable a persistence ignorant domain model? Why would you want a persistence ignorant domain model? Why […]

Why do I do what I do? To make a difference in the lives of other developers. I was delighted to receive the following email recently. Hi James, I’m writing you because I just wanted to thank you! It was about two months ago and I attended TechEd/Orlando. I have to say that it was […]

Thanks to everyone who came out for the session to listen to tales of the NHibernate Mafia and how persistence ignorance can improve your domain model. Here is a list of recommended resources: NHibernate NHibernate Plugin Castle Active Record Active Writer Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns by Jimmy Nilsson You can download […]

The website is now live and accepting registrations. We’re accepting 100 lucky participants to take part in this unique event. Sign up now at If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go back and read this. Hope to see you there!!!

Coming to an Edmonton library near you… One night only… How does NHibernate enable a persistence ignorant domain model? Why would you want a persistence ignorant domain model? Why does the NHibernate Mafia feel so strongly about persistence ignorant domain models? And who are the NHibernate Mafia anyway? This session will answer all these questions and […]

After my DNIC video interview, John just wanted to know more about agile development. So we did it again, this time podcast-style. You can check out the audio interview here.

Coming to Austin, TX… October 5-7, 2007… Brought to you by the NHibernate Mafia themselves… 3 days of ALT.NET mayhem… See behaviours twisted, tests tortured, dependencies injected, object-relations mapped, and DSLs like you’ve never seen them before… More seriously, what exactly is ALT.NET? David Laribee coined the term to describe developers who look outside the “official […]