Browsing Posts in .NET Tools

Did you know that you can get Visual Studio Intellisense support when editing NHibernate’s configuration and mapping files?* Simply drop nhibernate-configuration.xsd and nhibernate-mapping.xsd from the NHibernate zip file into: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Xml\Schemas or C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Xml\Schemas Once you’ve got the XML Schemas in the right location, you should see something like this […]

I created a few simple ReSharper templates to make working with NHibernate and Castle ActiveRecord easier. They currently default to SQL Server 2005 because that’s what I do most of my work against. Feel free to customize to your heart’s content. You can grab them from here. Simply import the templates into ReSharper via ReSharper… Options… […]

The ALT.NET Open Space Conference in Austin has come to a close. It was a fantastic experience. I had an opportunity to connect with many people whose books I have read and tools I use. Thanks to everyone who came for sharing their time and knowledge. Given that I’m used to wearing the presenter hat, […]

The website is now live and accepting registrations. We’re accepting 100 lucky participants to take part in this unique event. Sign up now at If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go back and read this. Hope to see you there!!!

Coming to Austin, TX… October 5-7, 2007… Brought to you by the NHibernate Mafia themselves… 3 days of ALT.NET mayhem… See behaviours twisted, tests tortured, dependencies injected, object-relations mapped, and DSLs like you’ve never seen them before… More seriously, what exactly is ALT.NET? David Laribee coined the term to describe developers who look outside the “official […]

(via Jean-Paul Boodhoo) Manoj Khanna just created the Calgary Open Source Group specifically to foster the use of open source software in the Calgary market. Here is the group’s mandate: “Calgary Open Source Group (COSG) is a forum that promotes the spread of Open Source Software and Free Software culture in Calgary. Through lively debate/talks, […]

I spent some time troubleshooting a Subversion failure. I created a new repository using CreateSvnRepo.ps1 and successfully fetched the contents using TortoiseSVN. I added some files and then tried to commit the changes, but I got this highly cryptic error message: Error: Commit failed (details follow):  Error: Authorization failed  The causes of this generic error […]

Source control is a must when it comes to development. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a large team of developers or if you’re the only one. You need to set up source control. For my own pet projects, I use Subversion. Simple to set up and simple to use, especially with TortoiseSVN. I’m not […]

A few days ago, I read Kyle Baley’s post about learning Rhino Mocks. Like many folks, he initially had trouble understanding Rhino Mocks’ record/playback metaphor. Then during the Calgary Code Camp, an attendee kindly pointed out that I had forgotten mockRepository.ReplayAll() in my unit test – fortunately before I actually ran it. Then yesterday I […]

What can I say? I love ReSharper. I bought a copy with my own hard-earned cash because it made my life as a developer easier. TDD development without ReSharper is like GUI development in notepad. It can be done, but it ain’t pretty. The JetBrains team, the folks behind ReSharper, is also incredibly helpful and open. […]